Tetris Blocks


Y: Yellow / O: Orange / R: Red / G: Green / P: Pink / B: Blue / T: Teal



Tip: Copy and paste via Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V or the context menu.


What is this?
This is a Tetromino markup generator. The output is raw HTML with inline styling. That way you can insert the markup into all kinds of blogs, forums and documentation tools. Inline HTML often is supported in editors where you write Markdown. But also apps like Atlassian's Confluence support it.
Why did you make this?
I created an account on Cohost.org recently. Cohost is a blogging service, and very liberal with the inclusion of inline HTML. To give a potential reader some eye candy, I wanted to include some nice blocks. And to automate the process and build upon it later, I created this little tool. The inspiration for the Tetromino design was from Tetris DS. Good game!
What is Tetris?
Tetris is a video game series, created by the Soviet game designer Alexey Pajitnov. The goal is to arrange Tetrominos in a way that you get full lines. The more lines you clear with placing a single Tetromino, the more points you get.
What is a Tetromino?
It's a geometric shape made up of four squares, connected at the straight edges. There are seven variants in total. When I was in school, I liked filling square grids with tetrominos. Fun times.
Are you affiliated with The Tetris Company?
No, not at all. I'm just a fan. All rights go to their respective owners.
Who are you?
I'm Krank. At day, I'm a UX designer. And at night, I like drawing and coding.
Do you want to be my friend?
Sure! Just write me a private message on Twitter (@Krankomat96) or tweet at me.